“Behind our small business is a family” Comprehensive Waste Management For Central Kansas
At Nisly Brothers, we provide a full line of residential, commercial, and industrial waste management services with dignity and class. We take pride in the trash services we provide and find fulfillment in happy customers.
How Can We Keep You Looking Good?
Commercial Trash Services
Don’t let trash slow down your business! We will get all your trash out of the way, so that you can do your business well.
We Love Serving Our Community
Here is what the community says about us…
Characteristics That Set Us Apart
Safety is always a top priority, and in addition to extensive safety training, we award employees for safe driving.
In our collective goal of serving others, we expect each employee to reliably uphold his responsibilities.
We seek to serve those around us and always put others first. In this way, we show humility and ultimately honor God.
We aim for the highest-quality service possible, and we expect each employee to be willing to go the second mile to deliver a quality experience.
We do what we say we will and keep our word. We believe in paying fair wages to our employees and charging our customers a fair price. We strive to conduct our lives at work and at home with honesty and integrity.